CSE’s Research Directorate provides the research needed to support CSE’s mission of protecting Canada and to advance our organization’s objectives. Within the Research Directorate are teams of researchers in the fields of cryptography, cyber security, vulnerability research, high-performance computing, data science and artificial intelligence.
The Research Directorate is led by CSE’s Chief Research Officer (CRO). The CRO’s role is to:
- establish and advance the research vision, strategy and coordination needed to enable CSE’s current and future mission capabilities
- foster research partnerships in government, with international allies and with the Canadian innovation ecosystem (academia, laboratories and private sector)
- advise CSE and other government organizations on the impact of current and future research advancements and challenges
Learn more about research at CSE
CSE research strategy
Discover CSE’s research strategy, R-Future
Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing (TIMC)
Learn about the TIMC’s history and current projects
Applied Research (AR)
Find out about AR’s mandate and its Research Coordination Office
CSE-NSERC Research Grants
Explore grants for research on cutting-edge technologies related to national security and cyber security
Vulnerability Research Centre (VRC)
Discover the VRC’s work in vulnerability research
CSE Artificial Intelligence Strategy
Read CSE's AI strategy